Accessibility & Sitemap
Chicken Coop HQ is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for all users and visitors, including people with disabilities. Chicken Coop HQ subscribes to multiple services and tools designed to help us discover, understand and organize accessibility work to improve website accessibility. We also perform regular manual audits to uncover accessibility issues and then work to remediate those issues.
All accessibility related upgrades made to are targeting the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA (start date: April 2022 / target completion date: June 2022).
If you have encounter any difficulty accessing any pages or content on our website, please contact our Accessibility Advocate (David Hermansen) by phone (877-760-6992), email or US mail (5199 Tildy Ln, Ammon, ID 83401). We respond to feedback in a reasonable timeframe, typically within 1-2 business days.
Shopping Links:
Chicken coops by size >
- Small (1-5 chickens)
- Medium (6-10 chickens)
- Large (11-15 chickens)
- Extra Large (16-20 chickens)
- Chicken coops by brand >
- Chicken coop tractors
- Chicken runs
- Accessories
- Get coupon codes
Informational Links:
- Buyers guide
- Article: "How many square feet per chicken?"
- Chicken Keeper's blog
- Reviews from customers
- Financing information
Policy Pages:
Contact Us:
- Contact form
- Start live chat
- Phone: 866-966-1554
If you need additional assistance navigating our website, please call us toll-free at 1-866-966-1554. We will be more than happy to provide one-on-one assistance.